What is a divine union?

A divine or sacred union is when one soul decides to incarnate in two bodies. This union is more than a soulmate connection. It will feel like something you cannot walk away from. A deep inner knowing that no matter what challenges come your way, you are meant to be in sacred relationship with one another. Unlike a soul mate, this connection does not initially invoke excitement. A divine union will feel more like a remembering and a balancing of your innergy. Especially our masculine and feminine innergies.
Throughout my life I always felt like something was missing. Even at times when I was in soulmate relationships, I would feel like there was something else I was supposed to be doing or feeling or thinking. Don't get me wrong, many of us have a wide variety of soulmates that we can and do connect with throughout our lifetime in many ways. Soulmates can come in the form of family, friends, pets, co-workers and of course, lovers. A soulmate is a soul that we have experienced other lifetimes with. It will feel super easy to open up to these souls and exciting when re-connecting in this lifetime. The thing about soulmates is that since we have had past incarnations with them we have also (most likely) developed some kind of karma with them as well. So while the connection feels great at first, eventually their will be a karmic lesson that accompanies it.
When I speak of karma, I'm not speaking of it in the negative connotation that society has placed upon it. I am rather speaking of the karmic law of polarity that what you give, you so shall receive. If you had a soul connection in a past life that you were loyal and loving to, you may reconnect with them in this lifetime as a loving and loyal pet. Also, if you were cruel and neglectful with a soul connection in a past life they may manifest as a lover or parent in this lifetime to help you clear the negative karmic energy. Soulmates bring us some of life's most beautiful lessons. Now, let's get back to the topic of divine and sacred unions.
Divine and sacred unions are much deeper than a soul connection as you are actually one soul incarnated in two different bodies. This is why, when we are meant to be in sacred union, our other intimate relationships never feel like enough. The relationships that happen before we come into divine union are meant to help us go deeper into our own self love. This means that we will often attract partners that trigger some type of deep inner healing (specifically around self love and self worth). Divine unions will, more likely than not, connect on the astral plane first. You may start to have dreams of a new love coming into your life where you can connect with and feel their loving innergy. You can also receive messages in nature that show you are coming into alignment with your souls path into union.
When I was coming into union with Dario I would often connect with his innergy in my dreams. When I was out of the house I would see heart shapes outlined in clouds, tree bark, rocks and other random places. When we finally met in person I felt calm yet happy though my ego wouldn't allow him to walk me to my car that night, haha. That is always a fun story to share. By the next time we saw each other we felt the pull of our hearts come into union. While exploring this foreign feeling, we hugged one night outside of a group meditation we had just left and our hearts and souls synced as one. This story is much more exciting to hear in person so make sure to ask us about it should you choose to connect with us. We are very happy to share.
From that space forward we knew that our purpose was much more than our human bodies could have imagined. We are here to be in union and to anchor our sacred love, the love of unity, into this earth. This is part of the calling for all divine unions. Although the union itself is here for a higher purpose, we can sometimes get in our heads and succumb to the challenges of being in unity. It takes an incredible amount of faith and surrender to process through the blocks that try to keep us apart. For Dario and myself, we worked through most of these blocks on our solo journeys before we came into union. This is the same for all other sacred unions. You must get into the same frequency where you can vibrate into each other in the physical. The only way to do that is to focus on self love and to take a deep dive inward to innerstand yourself on a soul level.
The next part, once in union, is learning how to continue to grow at a somewhat even pace as your partner. This can be very challenging and unfortunately has caused separation for many unions. The key for us has been to continue to love ourselves and to pull away from each other as needed. Though the challenges can seem intense, the rewards are worth every bit of the work you put into it. We would love to connect with you and help you through these transitions. As we continue to do the inner work we will light the path for others to join us on this journey. If you feel you could benefit from hearing more of our story or working with my intuitive guidance, I encourage you to connect with us. Send us an email or check out our services for more details on how we can help. We look forward to rising with you in unity and oneness.