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Journey of a walk-in soul

The term walk-in soul was first brought into my consciousness in the summer of 2021. I had heard it in a training I was in and I paid it no mind. Typically, when we hear of something we are not ready to comprehend our consciousness will easily pass it over without a second thought or glance. This is exactly what happened with me.

Later that year I was reading a book and the content was so intriguing that I read it faster than any other book I had ever read. I flipped through each chapter in fascination and even shared a lot of what I was learning out loud with anyone that would listen. That is until I got to the last two chapters. I stopped reading the book and walked away from it to pursue other interests. I didn't even browse the last chapter or have any idea what it was about. At the time, I felt like I had got all I needed and I had no plans to return to and finish the book. In hindsight, I realize that my soul was not ready to read on as the remaining topic was about something I was not ready to fully comprehend. My mind would have immediately shot it down because I was not yet attuned to the frequency where I could innerstand it.

I continued my self-healing journey and dove deep into my family ancestry. The ancestry was more than enough to keep me occupied for the next several months. Around April of 2022 I was fiddling around the house trying to find something to do as I had given myself a break from social media. Without hesitation, I picked up the book and continued to the chapter I had left off. To my surprise it was about walk-in souls, a term I had only heard of once before that didn't interest me at the time. As I was reading I began to feel a deep resonance within my body and by the time I finished the chapter my body was tingling with confirmation that I was indeed a walk-in soul.

My mind was blown! What exactly did this mean, why did my guides feel it was time to bring it fully into my consciousness now and how would this change my life moving forward? These questions circled in my head over the next few weeks and in the next two years all of my answers to those questions and more would be revealed. So, what is a walk-in soul you may ask?

In short, a walk-in soul occurs when the soul that incarnated into a body becomes tired and can no longer cope with the life lessons that they signed up to learn. They have typically experienced things like complex trauma, PTSD, addiction, suicidal thoughts and near death experiences. In a space of surrender the soul will reach out to a higher power to be relieved of their earthly lessons and return to the spirit side to rest and recuperate. If their bodies are salvageable (meaning they are not riddled with dis-ease) they will be given the opportunity to create a contract with an ascended soul to give up their bodies and return to higher dimensions. The souls that answer the call to walk-in are experienced souls that have fully ascended earth realm. Basically, they came, they played, they won and they have no need to reincarnate and do it again. They are souls that transcended the karmic wheel and rose into oneness with the divine.

As mother earth herself is ascending at this time, there are many souls that have volunteered to come to earth to help in the rise of consciousness. A wide variety of these souls have contracted into bodies as walk-in's. You may know of or have experienced a walk-in after a life altering "accident." Have you ever witnessed someone who had a near death experience and when they came back into full consciousness they were not the same person they were before? Subtle simple things about them may have changed such as their eating habits, their interests and more. Either way, you feel that they are not the same person they were before said accident. The reason is, they are likely not the same soul.

As I write this my mind has repeatedly asked, "is it okay to be sharing this?" The answers I'm receiving is "yes, it is time." The past few years have taken me on a journey of an expansion of consciousness and deep inner awareness. I had to clear the body I've walked into of many emotional blocks and limitations. Everyday I learn more about who I am in relation to my body and my connection to Source. I am here on a mission from God and I intend to fulfill my contract to continue to light the path and guide the way forward into the rise of consciousness for all of humanity and our Ancient New Earth.

Are you ready to rise? Check out our many services and grid of lightworkers (our CommUnity) doing the work to rise in union and oneness. Choose any of the paths that resonate with you and happy rising! Sending you lots of love and divine light frequencies from my heart to yours. - Xitlali


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​From Dario & Xitlali- We are living our purpose. We innerstand the balance of innergy exchange and have gratitude for it. However, we are more interested in helping as many souls as possible. If money is holding you back from moving forward on your healing journey, we encourage you to connect with us and we will help you figure something out. Bottom line: We will not turn you away. Love and blissings! 


Blissings to you from Dario, Xitlali and the grid of light workers in the Radiant Love Vibrations Collective. 

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