'Our mission here is to hold space, raise the vibration, share truth and gently guide humanity to self heal, love and flow'

Iva (E-vah)
Clinical hypnotherapist
La Mesa, California
(760) 760-1930
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Yoga Instructor
Energy Therapist
Reiki 2 Practitioner
K.A.L.I. Facilitator- Kundalini Activation Light Integration (a.k.a. KAP)
Attuned to Deeksha
A Bit About Me
I am Iva (Eeva, think Wall-e and Eva) and I am from Bulgaria- a different, but similar, somehow in the present, but some years in the past faraway land in the southern corner of the Eastern European constellation.
Since I was old enough to discern and get a general idea what this world is all about - I knew- there Must be something more.
So, I started looking, seeking for that “Something More” and asking questions.
The journey of awakening and expanded awareness is long. The path is windy, full of obstacles, distractions, U-turns,” wrong” turns, delays and extended layovers – it’s a Journey. And it is beautiful – with all the love and inspiration, darkness, letdowns and devastation, hope, connection, insight, loneliness, and desperation.
And we forget…or we never knew, no one ever told us, that each and every step of this journey is Perfect, Absolutely Necessary and Beneficial – all the hate, all the sadness, all the heartbreak, all the madness. We are here to FEEL. To feel all the feelings in the book.
But no one ever taught us how to give space to unworthiness, anger, shame, guilt, blame…No one ever showed us how to hold space for fear. We do not know what to do with Feelings, so we deny them, suppress them, repress them, or reject them. We do not know how to learn and reap the wisdom from them.
I am here to connect with people in the most authentic way, to help open human hearts, to be a guiding light, motivation and inspiration, a trusted resource on their journey of healing, growth, and evolution.
My Goal is to walk humbly and mindfully on my path of personal awakening and fulfill my life’s purpose along the way.
My Purpose – To guide others along their path of personal transformation and awakening. To point the way to the Light.
I was guided to the beautiful, heart-centered souls in human form of Radiant
Love Vibrations by what I call a divine dispensation, because the most amazing things in life are random surprising and whimsical.
I am an Energy Therapist- Reiki Level 2, and Kundalini Activation Light Integration facilitator, a Yoga Instructor, and a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, with focus on Trauma Release, PTSD, Inner Child Healing, Energy Psychology and Past Life Regression amongst others.