'Our mission here is to hold space, raise the vibration, share truth and gently guide humanity to self heal, love and flow'

Draya Love
MBA Intuitive Wellness Advisor
San Diego, California
Soul Contract Practitioner
Executive Wellness & Energy Advisor
Business Strategist
Quantum Frequency Technologist
Ancestral Energy Transmuter
Cord Cutting Ceremony Host
Wellness Conversation Host
Community Connector
A Bit About Me
Draya is a former corporate business executive with over 25 years of experience in consulting, healthcare, strategy and energy work.
Through a series of modalities, she will show you how to decode the energy & chaos in your life, body and see it in action. Helping you gain clarity, create intentionally and strategy, take inventory and guide you into implementation. Specializing in physical manifestations of illness and how they behave in our bodies & our lives.
Integrating strategy, mind, body/ spirit & the quantum field into the personalized, intuitive sessions.
Assisting people and businesses as they integrate in this new age to the new ways.
This is done through:
Quantum Healing, Soul Contract Readings, Intuitive Coaching, Integration Tools, Energy Decoding, Chaos Awareness, Relationship Management, Business Development and Strategic MBA Guidance. Workshops, Personal Sessions, Ceremonies to move energy and mange your life more efficiently.
I have known and worked with Xitlali and Dario for several years in the wellness space. Their spiritual experience and expression is pure and kind and safe. I am grateful for their expansion and am honored to be a part of this container of love. Peace and Blissings, family.