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This grid was designed by Dario to encourge self love and balance of the divine feminine energy. He then infused it with with Jyorei (Loving Compassionate Energy of the Goddess Kuan Yin) for an extra special dose of purification. Place or hang this in your home or office and feel the loving energy of flow into the space around you. 


Self Love

  • 5"x 5"x1" (width, length, depth)

    Rose Quartz- Emanates calm, loving, and nurturing energy of the divine feminine.

    Clear Quartz-  Enhances mental clarity and spritual growth, programmed to open up the heart space. 

    Snow Quartz- Helps develop emotional stability, discernment and patience

    Amethyst- Provides stress relief, assits with hormone regulation, relieves headaches and calms the mind

Connect With Us

Tel: 858-247-1997 - Call or Text

Together we rise.

Donations/Love Offerings accepted at:

Venmo: @radiantlovevibrations


From Dario & Xitlali- We are living our purpose. We innerstand the balance of innergy exchange and have gratitude for it. However, we are more interested in helping as many souls as possible. If money is holding you back from moving forward on your healing journey, we encourage you to connect with us and we will help you figure something out. Bottom line: We will not turn you away. Love and blissings! 

Blissings to you from Dario, Xitlali and the grid of light workers in the Radiant Love Vibrations Collective. 

Thanks for sending!

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All Rights Reserved

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