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This grid was designed by Xitlali to protect your heart space. As an empath, Xitlali knows what it's like to be around energy draining people. This grid would go great in an office or space where people gather to protect the owner from taking on any negative energy or lower vibraions. 

Protect Your Hearts Energy

  • 6"x5 1/4"x1"(length, width, depth)

    Serpentine- Creates an energetic and protective sheild around the body. 

    Black Tourmaline- Balances the root chakra to help you feel grounded and protected. Repels and protects against negativity. 

    Clear Quartz- Enhances the energy of the other crystals. Regulates energy field. Helps clear the mind. Purifies negative energy. 

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Together we rise.

Donations/Love Offerings accepted at:

Venmo: @radiantlovevibrations


From Dario & Xitlali- We are living our purpose. We innerstand the balance of innergy exchange and have gratitude for it. However, we are more interested in helping as many souls as possible. If money is holding you back from moving forward on your healing journey, we encourage you to connect with us and we will help you figure something out. Bottom line: We will not turn you away. Love and blissings! 

Blissings to you from Dario, Xitlali and the grid of light workers in the Radiant Love Vibrations Collective. 

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